أقسام المكتبة
البحث 📚
الخاتمة في خلاصة نتائج البحث
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الاختلافات الحديثية سواء أكَانَتْ في الإسناد أم في الْمَتْن؟ من القضايا الَّتِي أدلى بِهَا الْمُحَدِّثُوْنَ لها أهمية كبيرة.
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الاختلافات مِنْهَا ما يؤثر في صحة الْحَدِيْث، ومنها ما لا يؤثر، ومرجع ذَلِكَ إِلَى نظر النقاد وصيارفة الْحَدِيْث.
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بَعْض الاختلافات تؤثر في حفظ الرَّاوِي وضبطه، وتقدح في مروياته وصحة الاعتماد عَلَيْهَا والاستدلال بِهَا.
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الاختلاف والاضطراب بَيْنَهُمَا عموم وخصوص فكل مضطرب مختلف وَلَيْسَ كُلّ مختلف مضطرب.
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يراد بالاضطراب في الأعم الأغلب الاختلاف القادح.
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لا يمكن الحكم في الاضطراب والاختلاف إلا بجمع الطرق والنظر والموازنة والمقارنة.
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إن مَعْرِفَة الخطأ في حَدِيْث الضعيف يحتاج إِلَى دقة وجهد كبير كَمَا هُوَ الحال في مَعْرِفَة الخطأ في حَدِيْث الثقة.
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التفرد بحد ذاته لَيْسَ علة، وإنما يَكُوْن أحياناً سبباً من أسباب العلة، ويلقي الضوء عَلَى العلة ويبين ما يكمن في أعماق الراوية من خطأ ووهم.
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المجروحون جرحاً شديداً - كالفساق والمتهمين والمتروكين - لا تنفعهم المتابعات إذ إن تفردهم يؤيد التهمة عِنْدَ الباحث الناقد الفهم.
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مَعْرِفَة الاختلافات في المتون والأسانيد داخل في علم العلل الَّذِي هُوَ كالميزان لبيان الخطأ والصواب والصَّحِيْح والمعوج.
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أولى الفقهاء جانب النقد الحديثي اهتماماً خاصاً، وذلك من خلال تتبعهم لأقوال النقاد، واستعمالها أداة في تفنيد أدلة الخصوم، وَهُوَ دليل واضح عَلَى عمق الثقافة الحديثية عندهم، وعلى قوة الربط بَيْنَ هذين العلمين الشريفين.
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لما تقدم يبدو لي من المهم جداً تشجيع الدراسات الَّتِي تربط بَيْنَ الفقه ومصادره، وخصوصاً تِلْكَ الَّتِي تربط بينه وبين علوم الْحَدِيْث المختلفة.
The science of honorable Hadith، is one of the noblest Al-Shareha sciences، rather it is the noblest one at all after the study of the Holy Quran which is the root of the right way. Thus we find the mohdtheen waste their ages in the following Hadith ways and criticizing as well as studying. Till، they exaggerate to the extent in searching، criticizing and testing the different sources its ways and illness. Thus the scientific knowledge of Hadith illness is the major part and its field which the mohdtheen skills and criticism are shown in.
That is why Hadith science has strong correlation with the Islamic Philology، because we find a greater part of Philology come from Hadith that is why Hadith is one of the main sources to the Islamic Philology. It is known that there are many differences in Hadith، and these differences are divided into the source and the body، and some of them are taken part between the body and the source. These differences have great role in the difference of Philologist. Thus I have the motive to collect these differences and make indexes and arranging with the scientific rule to every type of these differences، then I mention the arbitrator summary of Hadith after making reference to the savant. Afterwards I remember what you are arranged on these differences from difference in the standpoints of the jurists and their views a result of this new difference.
From here combining Hadith science with the science of religious law arrived، and I gave little this binding by that you were remembered with a suitable detailing، a sample or more clearing an egoistic of this difference is in the difference of the jurists.
Thus، the thesis falls into four chapters:
The thesis is published with an introduction to show the
nature of difference as well as other cases that are relative to it. This chapter falls into four sections:
Section one: I defined the 'difference' philologically and terminologically.
Section two: I mention the disparity between the 'difference'.
Section three: I explain the types of difference.
Section four: I discuss the reasons of differences، it falls into four demands:
Demand one: I discuss the realizing of difference.
Demand two: I mention the importance of difference in the source & body.
Demand three: I discuss how to discover the difference.
Demand four: I discuss the operative difference and the inoperative differences.
Chapter one: I devoted it to discuss the differences in source and it has an introduction and two sections:
In the introduction، I discuss the definition of source philologically and terminologically and I show the importance of source.
Section one: I explain fraud and its effect in the difference of Hadith and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section two: I discuss the alienated and their effects on Hadith difference، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Chapter two: devoted to the differences in the body، and it falls in eight sections:
Section one: I discuss the Hadith story in sense، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section two: I show the difference of Hadith to the Holy Quran، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section three: I explain the difference of Hadith to another strong one، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section four: I talk about the difference of Hadith legal opinion narrator and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section five: I discuss the contradiction of Hadith to the analogy، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section six: I talk about the difference of Hadith to the work of people in al-Madeina، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section seven: I talk about the difference of Hadith to the general rules and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section eight: I explain the difference of Hadith because of the abbreviation، and its effect in the jurist difference.
Chapter three: I devoted it to the participated differences between source and body، and it falls into eleven sections:
Section one: I discuss the influence of doubt in the difference of Hadith and its effect in the jurist difference.
Section two: I tackle the sickness and its relevance.
Section three: I elaborate the types of sickness in source.
Section four: I discuss the sickness in the body.
Section five: I devoted it to the addition in the source and body.
Section six: I show the difference between trust with trust.
Section seven: I explain the difference debilitated with trust.
Section eight: I explain in details the implication.
Section nine: I discuss the difference because of the narrator.
Section ten: I mention the difference because of the topple.
Section eleven: I discuss the difference because of distortion.
And I explicate all Hadith in the thesis، via authentic books of Hadith which narrators use. I explicate in details in some
places، because the subject needs that; since the differences in the source and body can not be realized without gathering the methods of Hadith from its own sources ..
I arrange in the explication according to date of death، and I depend on authentic versions of printed books. I exert a lot of offers to explain the level of each Hadith in the thesis following imams sayings and depending on the Hadith rules which is established by great imam figures.
I translate to the mentioned figures in the thesis when it is mentioned for the first time.
The summary sums up the findings of the thesis.